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Celebrity Letters
Even though Packy is now deceased, we wanted to keep a record of celebrities who tried to free him to sanctuary. In Packy’s honor, we will continue to work to free Chendra, Samudra and all the elephants to sanctuary, and in the meantime, end the breeding, buying and selling of elephants, and the use of bulllhooks.
Media Stories
- KOIN covers our campaign to free Tula-Tu & Rose-Tu to a sanctuary
- Courtney Scott on Lars Larson, KXL Radio
- Oregonian Op Ed by Courtney Scott: Free Packy and the other Oregon Zoo elephants
- KOIN 6 The Elephant in the Room with the Oregon Zoo Bond, 4-part series
- Elephant (Rama’s) death draws criticism, CNN repost of KOIN report
- Zoo keeper asked Metro not to euthanize Packy
- The Oregon Zoo vs. Lily Tomlin: Celebrity activist wants to free the elephants
- Animal Advocates and Keepers Urge Oregon Zoo Not To Kill Packy the Elephant
- Packy’s fight for life: ‘Meeting emotion with emotion
- Packy’s untimely death should shine light on plight of elephants in zoos
- Oregon Zoo Elephants Suffer in Equivalent of Puppy Mill NW Examiner
- Interview with Carol Buckley, Elephant Aid International, Voices for the Animals KBOO FM
- The elephant in the room with Oregon Zoo bond
Additional Resources
- Swedish Zoo “Zoothanizes” Nine Healthy “Useless” Lion Cubs | Psychology Today ( In this article, in honor of Packy, World Zoothanasia Day is announced for Feb. 9 )
- IDA: 10 Worst Zoos for Elephants 2018 (note new category, Hall of Shame, created specially for the Oregon Zoo)
- The Future of Zoos: Challenges Force Zoos to Change in Big Ways
- Bullhooks on elephants by Dr. Mel Richardson
- Do zoos actually do anything to help at-risk elephants in the wild? Experts say no
- Never in Vain, an interview with Stephen Koyle , founder, Elephant Care Unchained