Rally to free Chendra and stop the breeding

Chendra, the lone Borneo elephant at the Oregon Zoo is now pregnant and in isolation due to a possible diagnosis of Tuberculosis. If Chendra has TB, she is at risk and so is her unborn baby. It is important to put pressure on the zoo and Metro to release Chendra to sanctuary, to give her and her newborn, if the baby lives, a chance to live their lives in a peaceful, serene setting. And give Chendra an opportunity to heal from her many zoonotic afflictions, including pronounced stereotypical behavior. This is a peaceful rally to educate the public about the plight of Chendra and the failure of the zoo’s breeding program. We will have signs and fliers but we always welcome your compassionate creativity.
It is time for Chendra’s freedom and time to stop breeding more elephants into lifetimes in captivity.
Sunday, September 22
12 noon to 2pm
Oregon Zoo
12 noon to 2pm
Oregon Zoo