Online Rally on May 17

#RetireChendra Virtual Rally and Sanctuary Tour
12noon to 2pm Pacific Time, Online
With the Covid-19 infections keeping us indoors, we decided to take the rally online and also have a sanctuary tour and Q&A with subject experts.
Please join us on Facebook, where we will add the details and finalize the program as we near the date.
See our billboards on SE 11th and Madison and W Burnside at 20th. And also watch for our busboards moving around town.

Unbearable Gruesome
This is HEll
Free Chendra & All Oher AnimalAngels immediately
This has to be THE saddest, cruel treatment of a beautiful elephant. Elephants need to be with other elephants in a vast area where they browse, interact and have freedom
This elephant is being mentally, emotionally and physically abused.