
Zoo Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report: Facts or Fictions?


The 2014 Zoo Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report 20140312 is a report that is legally required to be made to the Metro Council once a year outlining its progress on how the $125 million bond monies are spent. This report is on Metro’s homepage on their website under this heading: Citizen-Oversight Group Praises Zoo Bond Implementation. However, when we at FOZE read this document we are not so clear on what is to be praised. And there are some glaringly inaccurate and misleading statements. For instance, consider this statement: “The committee’s most substantial comments had to do with plans for constructing an offsite elephant center, which — while not specified in the 2008 ballot measure — is considered a key part of the zoo’s vision for supporting multigenerational families as the zoo elephant herd continues to grow naturally. ”

The offsite elephant center IS included in the 2008 ballot measure. Capital expenses of $12 million were supposed to be set aside for an offsite facility and a feasibility study was also mentioned. But no mention was made in the bond or in statements by Metro leading up to the bond vote about using the facility for breeding. And it is misleading to state that the zoo’s elephant herd will continue to grow naturally. There is nothing natural about the continued forced breeding program propagated by the Oregon Zoo. And be sure to read page 4 of this document to see exactly where the renamed “remote elephant center” stands in line in terms of ever being completed. Summation: it’s a “risk” to continue planning for it.

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